Sunday, June 6, 2010


I like corn. I actually like corn a lot. In Japan, people even put them on pizza as a topping pretty frequently. I bought these local fresh corn and I was trying to figure out what to do with them. I like them pretty much in anyway too from soup, salad, grilled, raw, cooked....however else you can cook them and I started to realize how versatile they can be prepared. hmm... On this plate, I tried to capture the freshness and the sweet flavor of corn and present the versatility of this wonderful ingredient.

I made fresh raw corn salad, reconstructed corn(corn caviar.. whatever you want to call them), pop corn, crunchy corn bread, corn paper and corn air.

1 comment:

  1. Takeshi,
    Looks awesome! What restaurant are you at? I agree with corn as a staple menu item during the summer. Possibilities are endless...
